Codeuses math;const maxn=100000; maxm=11000000;var a,Q,Adjlist,d:array[1..maxn] of longint; f:array[1..maxn] of int64; vis:array[1..maxn] of boolean; v,next:array[1..maxm] of longint; count,x,y,i,h,t,tot,n,m:longint; ans:int64;procedure build(x,y:longint); begin inc(tot); v[tot]:=y; next[tot]:=Adjlist[x]; Adjlist[x]:=tot; end;procedure TUOPUSort; var i:longint; begin while h0 do begin dec(d[v[i]]); if(not vis[v[i]])and(d[v[i]]=0) then begin inc(t);Q[t]:=v[i]; vis[v[i]]:=true; end; i:=next[i];end;end; end;procedure calc; var i,u:longint; begin for h:=t downto 1 do begin i:=Adjlist[Q[h]]; if i=0 then f[Q[h]]:=A[Q[h]] else f[Q[h]]:=$8fffffffffffffff; while i<>0 do begin f[Q[h]]:=max(f[v[i]]+A[Q[h]],f[Q[h]]); i:=next[i];end; end; end;beginreadln(n,m);ans:=$8fffffffffffffff;h:=0;t:=0;for i:=1 to n do readln(a[i]);for i:=1 to m do begin readln(x,y); build(x,y); inc(d[y]); end;for i:=1 to n do if(d[i]=0) then begin inc(t); Q[t]:=i; vis[i]:=true; end;count:=t;TUOPUSort;calc;for i:=1 to count do ans:=max(f[Q[i]],ans);writeln(ans);end.